
The school became part of The Broad Horizons Education Trust on 1st July 2020.

Details of the Trust’s Funding Agreements, Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation, Financial Information and other detailed governance arrangements can be found on the Trust’s website.

Dear parents and carers

We are a very active Local Governing Board, all of us are volunteers and our main role is to work with the school, ensuring that children receive the best education in a safe and supportive setting, giving children the best possible opportunities to succeed in life. We work as a team together with the Headteacher, Senior Leadership and all the wonderful staff at Bluebell Primary.  

As governors we come from a range of backgrounds and have different skills. 

Our role is strategic, helping to plan the school’s future direction. 

We review policies and ensure that the agreed curriculum is well taught. 

We make sure that the school provides for all pupils, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. 

We make decisions on the school’s budget, ensuring that finance is well spent and relates to the school Improvement Plan. 

We promote high standards, we ask questions, we support and challenge the school, so the school can move forward. 

We discuss what is best for our school, we gather views and listen to the school community. 

We meet every month (not during school holidays), and play a part in recruiting staff. 

We also take part in training through the National Governors Association and through the Yare Trust Governor Network, so we are well equipped for our role.  

I want to acknowledge and thank the team work of all the staff, who enabled us to continue teaching and nurturing our children during this most unusual school year with the covid virus.  I am always so impressed by their dedication and professionalism. 

A special thank you to all our parents and carers for helping your child at home and for your unwavering support and adaptability with all the changes we have all faced. 

I would like to wish everyone in the school community the very best for the future and moving forward. 

Jane Rolph 

Chair of Governors

Governing Body responsibilities

A key responsibility of the LGB is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.

The Local Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Trust.  Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance.  It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

Membership of the Governing Body includes parents, teaching staff and representatives from the local community. The Full Governing Body meets at least once each term.

The Governing Body has a range of powers and duties laid down by various Education Acts. In the main, these responsibilities relate to:

  • Setting targets and promoting high standards of educational achievement
  • Setting the strategic framework within which the school operates
  • Management of the school’s delegated budget
  • Ensuring that the curriculum for the school is broad and balanced

School Improvement Targets 2020/2021

  1. Quality of Education – To improve the quality of education for all pupils and raise attainment in line with national levels. 
  2. Behaviour and attitudes – To improve procedures and staff practice to improve attendance and develop more positive attitudes towards learning for all stakeholders.
  3. Personal Development – Implement evidence-informed practices to improve mental health and wellbeing of all pupils.
  4. Leadership and management – To strengthen governance, leadership and management of the school.